Organic Sumatra Mandheling


Sumatra Far East and Indonesia


  • Acidity: Low
  • Body: High
  • Sweetness: Low
  • Taste Notes: Molasses, Dark Chocolate

About the Farm

This coffee comes from the Lake Toba region, and is a classic Lintong area coffee. Lintongs tend to be distinct from Mandhelings in that they are spicier and have a little more brightness. However, this coffee takes it a step further. While it is wet-hulled in the usual Sumatra style, the hulling is not done until the coffee reaches 30% moisture content, where as most Sumatra is hulled at 45- 50%. This gives it a cleaner cup and accentuates the spicy, bright notes while downplaying the earthiness typical to Mandheling coffees.

Coffee Details

  • Elevation: 1100 meters
  • Varietals: Typica
  • Process: Wet Hulled
  • Harvest: August
  • Drying: Patio Drying
  • Export: September